
“Bend the computer to your will”

C++, Java, Julia, Python, Web, Scratch

Within moments of an assigned course, you will be coding hands-on in a new browser code editor (aka. ELSIE) developed exclusively for this site. You'll receive instant feedback on your code, with all necessary dependencies pre-installed. No installation required!

The C++, Java, Julia, Python , Web, and Scratch courses laid out on this website,, are an introduction to Computer Science and Programming as well as an introduction to Computational thinking and Data Science. They are designed to help people with no prior exposure to computer languages to learn to think computationally and write programs to tackle useful problems. Since these courses may be the only formal computer science courses students will take, the goal is to provide them with a brief introduction to many topics so they will have an idea of what is possible when they need to think about how to use computation to accomplish some goal later in their career. That said, these are challenging and rigorous courses and requires the student’s attention, time and effort. These are not “computation appreciation” courses. To achieve a passing grade of 65%, 13 units must be completed of either the C++, Java or Python courses, and 22 Web lessons.

C++ Outline

Java Outline

Julia Outline

Python Outline

Web Development

Scratch Outline